Welcome to the Meadville Tribune's 2025 Readers' Choice nominations page!
What a great way to give credit to our area's businesses that have done a top notch job over the last year.
Here you will have the chance to nominate your "Best of the Best" in select categories, and the best part is the process is very easy. If you have already voted in a previous year on this site, you should already have a username and password. Simply login by going HERE. If you've forgotten your password, click the link below the SIGN IN button to reset. If this is your first time using the site, you will need to follow these steps: 1. Register for an account. CLICK HERE to register. 2. You'll be sent an email to authenticate your account so keep a close eye on your inbox from adtools@cnhionline.com, which is your account confirmation and it has the activation link that you must click to activate your account and vote. After you have authenticated your account, you can log in and start the nominations process. 3. The nomination process - to nominate your choices, all you need to do is type your choice for each category you'd like to nominate a person, business or organization. Nominations must be applicable to the category for which you are applying them to and must be currently in business/practice for that category at the time of the nominations/voting process. Nominations will be accepted from February 17th through March 12th, 2025. Top nominees will go on the ballot for final voting in late March. Only one ballot per person for the voting period is allowed.
Contest Rules
Best Bowling Alley
Best Golf Course
Best Movie Theater
Best Museum/Art Gallery
Best Place to Play Bingo
Best Radio Station
Best Reception Hall/Event Center
Best Social Club
Best Accountant/CPA
Best Accounting Firm
Best Bank/Credit Union
Best Financial Advisor
Best Insurance Agent
Best Insurance Agency
Best Investment Firm
Best Tax Preparer
Best Bakery
Best Caterer
Best Deli
Best Grocery Store
Best Microbrewery
Best Pizza
Best Place for a Burger
Best Place for Ice Cream
Best Place for Breakfast
Best Place for Chinese Food
Best Place for Coffee
Best Place for Fresh Fruits/Vegetables
Best Place for Lunch
Best Place for Sandwiches
Best Place for Dinner
Best Place for Wings
Best Winery
Best Place for Takeout
Best Chiropractor
Best Dentist
Best Fitness Center/Gym
Best Home Health Care
Best Nursing Home/Personal Care Home
Best Optometrist/Opthalmologist
Best Orthodontist
Best Pharmacy
Best Physical Therapist
Best Physician
Best Place to Buy Hearing Aids/Supplies
Best Massage Therapist
Best Carpenter
Best Carpet Cleaner
Best Electrician
Best Excavating Service
Best Furniture Store
Best General Contractor
Best Heating and A/C Service
Best Landscaping Service
Best Painting Contractor
Best Place to Buy Building Materials
Best Place to Buy Flooring/Carpet
Best Place to Buy Garage Door Services/Repair
Best Plumber
Best Pool Sales & Service
Best Roofing Company
Best Window Sales & Service
Best Interior Designer
Best Antique Dealer
Best Boutique
Best Coin Dealer
Best Florist
Best Gift Store
Best Hardware Store
Best Jewelry Store
Best Men's Clothing Store
Best Place to Buy Appliances
Best Women's Clothing Store
Best Auctioneer
Best Barber Shop
Best Beauty Salon
Best Bed & Breakfast
Best Car Wash
Best Cleaning Services
Best Dance Studio
Best Day Care
Best Dry Cleaner
Best Embroidery
Best Employment Agency
Best Funeral Home
Best Kennel
Best Laundromat
Best Law Firm
Best Lawyer/Attorney
Best Nail Salon/Manicure
Best Nonprofit
Best Personal Trainer
Best Pet Groomer
Best Photographer
Best Printer/Printing Services
Best Real Estate Agency
Best Sign Shop
Best Tanning Salon
Best Taxidermist
Best Towing Service
Best Tree Service
Best Veterinary Practice
Best Auto Repair Shop
Best Place to Buy a Motorcycle
Best Place to Buy a New Car/Truck
Best Place to Buy Auto Parts
Best Place to Buy Tires
Best Place to Buy Used Car/Truck
Best RV Dealer
To submit your nominations, CLICK HERE to login or register.